Amazing Doves and Dorados

We have met with Derek and Colin many years ago! They have shot in Cordoba for many years. They are very good shooters and they normally like high quality birds. Both of them are from UK and this time would be different! For the first time they will be shooting doves and fishing dorados in the same lodge.

They have decided to make a change and visit us in San Javier Lodge for mixed bag hunt and fishing. We have been fishing Dorado for 4 amazing days at San Javier River and marshland. We have been lucky with the weather, no rain was giving us kind of a great feeling, and on Wednesday weather was excellent and magic happened. In spite of this, we had the river a kind of dirty because of rains up north. The rain was coming soon, and the last day we had the strongest rain anyone can remember. We all had our raining gear and did our best to get some fish. We caught some dorados and Piranha too. Piranhas were very active and we had one of the biggest ever.

For my friend Derek was his first time fishing!!! Yes, his first time fishing; and now he is addicted, he is thinking when he can be back to get more fish. Chela and Martin were the guides and they did the best to make them have an amazing fishing despite difficult conditions.

South American Golden Dorado is a rare fish known for its unique beauty, ferocious fighting, explosive runs and tarpon-like acrobatics.  Though the fish has been famous among South American anglers for quite some time, very few outsiders had even heard of the Golden Dorado - let alone fished for them.  In the last 10 years, however, the Dorados reputation as one of the world’s best freshwater fighters went global.  Today, adventurous anglers from around the world are flocking to South America in pursuit of this magnificent fish game. There are other species in the Paraná River such as; Pacu (Piaractus Mesopotamicus), Pira Pita (Brycon Orbignanus), Surubi (Platistoma Fasciatum) and the main source of food for the Dorado: Bogas (which is similar to the American Carp).

The plan was simple! Fishing in the mornings and high volume dove shooting in the afternoons. We have hunted and fished for 4 days in a row and we had also shoot ducks one morning. We also did some perdiz hunt but our friends were crazy about the fishing.

We had a great week and we had enjoyed Dimas food. He is our senior chef this season in San Javier and we have tried the first delicatessen that we have in the menu for this season. Shortly will let you know more details about the incredible food for the 2015 season at the best mixed bag lodge in Santa Fe province. This time Derek and Colin had said that, for the first time they had the best hunting experience and the best fishing experience with Pointer Outfitters.

Derek and Colin see you soon in September for the famous high quality birds of Cordoba!

Just shoot us an email or give us a call!

We keep in touch.

Pablo Aguilo


Pointer Outfitters

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