The Best Wing Shooting Experience in Argentina

Cordoba is an excellent option not only for dove hunting but also for spending some family time. This is exactly what David and Laura, together with their son Troy thought about when choosing traveling with Pointer.

David and his family arrived at Cordoba on March 11th. They stayed one night in the Quorum hotel, a comfortable option close to the airport. On Tuesday 12, our field guide Francisco Visintini picked them up very early in the morning, around 8, so that they could spend the whole day in the field. We went to the hills, where the weather conditions were better than in the flats. We always look for the better field according to the weather. When they arrived we had the pleasure of meeting them. They are a really nice family! It was Laura’s first hunting. Marcelo, her field assistant made everything easier for her! While David was with Francisco and Troy with Martin as their bird boys. It was an magnificent beginning!

The second hunting day we decided to go to a field near the one we had chosen the day before. It was rainy and foggy during the morning. The sky was all closed! We could barely see 10 metres in front of us. Anyways, nothing stopped us! We had an amazing hunting. After lunch, around 2:30 we came back to the posts to continue with the hunting. At 6 p.m we came back to the Jesus Maria Resort and Hotel. Our guests can enjoy their massages after a long at the field. And that was what Laura asked to do. She wanted to try some non-traditional massages. Among the different options we offered her, she chose the Canadian massages, ideal for complete relaxation. 

The following day we changed our destination. This time we went to the flats near Jesus Maria. Troy and David had the best day so far! They shot so much; they had a blast! There were doves flying all over us all the time. The weather was excellent too! The 3 of them hunted all together in the same post but we shared some time in the field and during lunch with other groups. They got like a house on fire! David loved to tell lots of stories.

The fourth and last day began very early in the morning. We wanted to make the most of their last day in the field and above all to make the most of the beautiful and sunny day! It was a great morning. David was shocked by the huge amount of doves we have in Cordoba. They could shoot non-stop. Laura by now was a well experienced shooter! That night, back to the hotel they took their luggage and we departure the Quorum hotel once again. They spent the last night there and on Sunday 17th they came back home. 

We loved this family; they were so nice! We hope to see you soon!



Fede Silva 

Field Guide

Edited by Julieta Romero Diaz

Pointer Outfitters, Argentina

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