Going South to Hunt the Greatest Amount of Birds
February has been an amazing month. We have had wonderful groups of hunters and we have seen them leave happy to have had the experience of their lifetimes. Each group is unique for us and we are always excited to meet them.
This time we had the pleasure to meet Ken Trainer’s team, made up of 8 shooters and 2 non-shooters. They’ve heard about how good hunting is here, but they couldn’t even start to imagine how much fun they were going to have.
They stayed in Jesus Maria Deluxe Resort, which is about 50 minutes away from the airport and 40 minutes away from the hunting spots we’re taking our guests this time. During summer some essentials for the field need to be packed, such as mosquito repellent, sunscreen and sunglasses, together with ear plugs and shooting gloves. The volume of shooting is immense, and you need to protect your hands.
It’s summer in our hemisphere and climatic conditions have been good for doves. Water is abundant in streams and rivers. At this time of year we prefer to hunt in hilly areas, what we call Las Sierras, from where we can see a great volume of birds moving towards the water sources during the morning and returning to their roosts in the afternoons.
The four days, our friends shooted a lot of doves! They had fun all together in the field and with their assistants. The first and second days they hunted only in the afternoon and the last day the men took their wives to the field so that they could take them some pictures while shooting.
They had plans to visit the city of Cordoba, though they weren’t able to do so since they had a tight flight schedule.
By the end of the trip we saw wide grins in their and that can only mean one thing: what a great hunting experience!
You Should Be The Next One!
Federico Silva
Head Guide
Pointer Outfitters
Edited by Juliana D’Olivo