A Memorable Weekend

It’s December and we still have a lot of things to do before ending a great 2016 full of work and great new friends. Now, it was about time for Joseph Thomas Bailey (from now on: “Joe”) and Edwin Gilbert Bell (“Ed”) to come and visit us.

They arrived in Cordoba’s airport on December 1st at 3pm, and then Martin, who went to pick them up, took them straight to the field, where Emanuel, Santiago and Tata were waiting for them with some tenderloin sandwiches.

We don’t like losing too much time for lunchtime on the first day if we have guests going directly to the field at 3.30 or 4 pm, because the priority is to hunt a bunch of doves and then, on the following day, with plenty of time, we would have an amazing argentinian barbecue at the field with the entire camp set out. 

It was raining on the second day when I woke up, so,  after a big breakfast, we decided to wait a couple of extra minutes at the Lodge until the rain stopped for a while. 

By 8:30 am. we were in the truck ready for a new adventure. It rained all morning long, but luckily for us, it was an easy rain. It didn’t stop the doves from flying, and,  of course, Joe & Ed from having a great time. 

When we were close to lunchtime, we decided to go to a nice restaurant 10 minutes away from the the field, that we occasionally use when we have rainy days. Don’t get me wrong, is very unusual to have rainy days here in Cordoba throughout the year. In fact, this was my first time in 3 years of going to the fields that I had barbecue in a restaurant. Anyway, food was great and the place looks like an old 70’s local restaurant. I liked it and even more important, the guys liked it a lot! 

Once we were back in the field for the afternoon hunt, the storm moved away and we had a great hunting afternoon; Ed killed 856 doves with 49 boxes, while Joe did 611 but with 36 boxes. 

It was 6:15 pm when we arrived to La Loma Lodge, where Paola and the ladies were expecting us with some drinks and wet towels. After this, the guys took a long and refreshing shower while I was waiting for them with some appetizer and 2 olives Martini with Joe’s name on it and a long glass of cold beer for Ed. We had a really nice evening and, after a great dinner, we stayed for a while around the fire pit with the great Jimmy “Baby Baby” Reed singing for us and a cup of wine each. 

On the following day we went hunting to the same Hills but to a different field. The morning was very good but nothing compares to the afternoon, since we were closer to an area where doves go back to sleep; the nesting area. Afternoon was separated from the morning with a very neat camp, where Emanuel was cooking some beef (tenderloin), chicken, sausage, pork flank and some dove’s brochette, that Ed & Joe gently killed for us.

After lunch Ed went straight to the hammocks, same as Joe but with  first having his Cuban cigar. That afternoon we all finished at Ed spot, shouting and having fun with some nice and very difficult long shots, but also with some “easy ones” he missed (you can’t just hit them all!!). Joe was there too; he shot 20 boxes, while Ed did 30. 

Once again, ladies were expecting us with some drinks and wet towels. And, unlike the day before, that night we had LASAGNA!! I love the lasagna that Silvia, our chef at La Loma Lodge, prepares for us once a week.

That night was really short, since we were all tired and our friends were a little sore from a great hunting day: empty shells everywhere! Before we all got asleep, we thought about the plans for the next day and so we decided to take a free morning and then go straight to the field for lunchtime and do some shots in the afternoon.

And so we did. That afternoon Ed shoot only 4 boxes and he gently invited me to take the shotgun. I didn’t start very well but after a few shoots I was getting lucky and started hitting them very often. We were having a blast and I remember Tata saying: Ok, let's open a box and see how many birds can you get with 25 shells. The final number was 19 from 25. But it was not the numbers what really brought me joy that afternoon, I really enjoyed watching Ed smile as he watched Tata and me shouting and laughing and how “stupid crazy happy” we can get when we start shooting doves. The funniest one was the one I shoot and ended up on top of my foot! 

Joe, on the other hand, fired 20 boxes. There was no reason of picking up more shells, these two 75 years “old” gentleman’s (they don’t look old at all!) did a total of 3384 birds shooting up 5575 shells between both of them. I whish I have that energy at my 60’s!!, if I’m lucky to live long enough.

Last day arrived and it was time to take these two great new friends to the airport. Francisco was the person in charge to take them there and so, at 11am, I introduced him to our friends. We had a soft appetizer and once we gave us our final greeting, they got into the truck leaving to Cordoba’s airport, while I, on the other hand, was turning on the air conditioner, putting some great “Asleep at the wheels” music and started driving back to Bs As.

It was a great time…a memorable weekend! 


Juan Aguiló

Host & Media

Pointer Outfitters 

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